Welcome to KCHockeyHistory.com

Welcome! The site is devoted to sharing Kansas City’s pro hockey history, covering teams from the Pla-Mors to the Mavericks. If you have any info you’d like to contribute, e-mail me at kchockey@att.net.
Thanks to Zack Fisch, Stephanie Goldberg, Michael and Brian Costello, Nello Ferrera, Chuck Cotten, and Kelly Conn for their contributions. I am currently in the process of trying to catch up with getting pages for all of KC’s pro players. Thanks for checking the site out!
The menu is just below the header featuring the Pla-Mors team picture. Each team has a drop-down menu with their roster (except for the Blades, all Blades information can be found on my other website Kansas City Blades Tribute Site) where you can access player pages for that team. To access any player’s page with their stats, just click on their name on the team roster.
Some teams have more in-depth coverage pages that are also accessible through the drop-down. This site is still very much a work in progress, although I finally got a lot of things cleaned up and updated.

Unfortunately, after the Mavericks great start, they suffered a big loss. They are currently 12-2, and recently celebrated the franchise’s 500th win.

UPDATES-November 22, 2023-Updated all Mavericks player pages